Saturday, June 14, 2014

Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 14th Edition

Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 14th Edition
By Gerard J. Tortora, Bryan H. Derrickson

  • Papers: 1232
  • Publisher: Wiley
  • Copyright: 2014


New in WileyPLUS
  • Real Anatomy 2.0 and PowerPhys 3.0 are now integrated into WileyPLUS and supported on tablets.
  • Ten NEW 3-D physiological animations have been added.
  • Three NEW PowerPhys simulations have been added.
  • 12 new online BioPac Laboratory Experiments and 5 new questions each have been added. The questions guide experiments and reports and are gradable with WileyPLUS.
  • New editions of Connie Allen's "Cat Dissection" and "Pig Dissection" laboratory guides.
  • New cat and pig dissection videos created by Mark Nielson have been added to the WileyPLUS course, in addition to the existing rat dissection video.
  • Muscles in Motion 3-D animations with new questions.

  • The complete digital e-Textbooks for both Tortora, Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 14e and Allen, Laboratory Manual for Anatomy and Physiology, 5e.
  • WileyPLUS now includes an adaptive learning module called ORION. Based on cognitive science, WileyPLUSwith ORION provides students with a personal, adaptive learning experience so they can build their proficiency on topics and use their study time most effectively. WileyPLUS with ORION helps students learn by learning about them.
  • Student study tools and learning resources to ensure positive learning outcomes:
  • Real Anatomy 2.0 is web-based 3-D imaging software that allows students to dissect through over 40 layers of a real human body to study the anatomical structures of all body systems. The software is web-based and integrated in WileyPLUS along with worksheets and questions designed to optimize student use.
  • PowerPhys 3.0 is physiological simulation software authored by teaching lab faculty. The activities focus on core physiological concepts and reinforce techniques experienced in the lab.
  • PowerPhys Physiology Lab Simulations
  • PowerPhys Lab Reports
  • Muscles in Motion 3-D animations demonstrate the unique integration of all major joints in one fluid motion
  • Anatomy Drill and Practice labeling exercises based on illustrations, cadaver photographs, histological micrographs, and anatomical models
  • Animations in 3-D and 2-D to highlight key concepts and objectives in every chapter.
  • Animations and Activities for key concepts in every chapter
  • Cadaver Videos
  • Homeostatic Imbalances Clinical Case Studies
  • Interactive Concept Maps
  • Exercises
  • Audio pronunciation glossary and links to audio pronunciation in the e-book.
  • Hear This Illustration audio lectures to accompany key illustrations for download to MP3 players.
  • Pre-created activities to encourage learning outside of the classroom:
  • Question Assignments: all questions are organized by concept/learning objective and include links to text and links to images, animations, and video.
  • Course Materials associated with study objectives closely aligned to HAPS (Human Anatomy and Physiology Society) Learning Outcomes:
  • Visual resources including a search-based Visual Library of labeled, unlabeled and leader line .jpgs, editable image PowerPoints, and animation PowerPoints
  • Lecture PowerPoint Slides and Instructor's Manual


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