By Peter H. Abrahams, MB BS, FRCS (Ed), FRCR, DO (Hon) FHEA, Jonathan D. Spratt, MA (Cantab), FRCS (Eng), FRCS (Glasg), FRCR , Marios Loukas, MD, PhD and Albert-Neels van Schoor, BSc MedSci, BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD
- Papers: 400 pages
- Copyright: 2014
- Publisher: Elsevier
McMinn and Abrahams' Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy, 7th Edition delivers the straightforward visual guidance you need to confidently perform all of the dissections required during your medical training...while acquiring the practical anatomical knowledge needed in your future clinical practice! Respected authority Prof. Peter H. Abrahams and a team of leading anatomists use a vast collection of clinical images to help you master all essential concepts.
Key Features
- See what to look for and how to proceed thanks to a vast array of excellent dissection photographs with radiological correlation and color diagrams.
- Access the complete contents of the book online at www.studentconsult.com, plus an abundance of supplemental online-only content to enhance your study.
- Learn from leading international anatomist Prof. Peter H. Abrahams through 200+ 3D animations, angiograms, and more on www.studentconsult.com, which help you to view the body in a more dynamic way to aid your understanding of anatomical relationships.
- Correlate anatomy to clinical practice with a wealth of MR, CT, DSA, radiographic, endoscopic, and operative images that demonstrate how structures are viewed in the clinical setting.
- Master the 500 clinical conditions every physician should know by reviewing clinical vignettes online, featuring over 2000 additional clinical photos, radiological images, and case presentations not found in the textbook.